Hankin Mercury Control System
Hankin offers a solution for the control of mercury emissions. Our mercury control system includes the addition of proven equipment to capture the mercury (actual mercury removal efficiency of up to 99.9%) and the required changes to the existing system to maintain the desired combustion while avoiding fugitive emissions of untreated exhaust gas to comply with emissions regulation and OSHA indoor air regulations. We also offer installation of the new equipment, commissioning, and emissions testing
Mercury emissions limits have declined in recent years for sewage sludge solids incinerators. These incinerators have been operating for years under the old mercury limits. They now face the probability of shutdown unless they can avoid mercury from entering the sewage system or modify the air pollution control system to capture more of the mercury and continue operating. Hankin provides the design and supply of equipment to modify the air pollution control system to meet the new mercury emissions limits and keep our clients in operation.
Spare Parts
Hankin offers spare or replacement parts for equipment that we provide. Typical spares for the mercury control system include the following:
- Filter media
- Instrumentation
- Pump, fan, blower, and tank parts